Devo Enters a Strategic Collaboration Agreement with Amazon Web Services: What It Is and How It Benefits Customers

Reading Time : 2min read

Devo recently announced that it has entered into a strategic collaboration agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS). This is a significant milestone for Devo and great news for our mutual customers with AWS. We caught up with Tony Le, cloud partnerships director, to take a deeper dive into what this means and how the collaboration will benefit our users in the long run.

Q. What does the agreement with AWS announced today entail?

A. This multi-year strategic collaboration deepens our already strong relationship with AWS, and will help us continue to innovate within the emerging fields of applied AI/ML and security log analytics to deliver the autonomous SOC. As part of the agreement, we will work together with AWS to develop and deliver tight product alignment to help thousands of our mutual customers move security to the cloud faster and more easily.

This is paramount, as the shift to the cloud is well underway for many organizations. As security leaders work to ensure these infrastructures remain secure, they’re also combatting SOC talent shortages, burnout, and turnover. Our autonomous SOC vision aims to directly address these challenges by leveraging AI/ML to augment analysts. With the support of AWS, we can continue to innovate rapidly as we march toward delivering this vision.

Q. What shared security challenges are Devo and AWS aligned on solving?

A. As I had alluded to, security professionals are under pressure to securely shift to the cloud, achieve digital transformation, and manage risk. At the same time, they’re dealing with growing data volumes and having issues understanding their security challenges. In fact, our 2022 SOC Performance Report found that nearly one-third of respondents cite the lack of visibility into the IT security infrastructure as a barrier to success and SOC efficiency. Our work with AWS will go a long way in solving this challenge for enterprise SOC teams so they can keep pace with today’s evolving cyberthreat landscape, all while achieving differentiated performance, unmatched scale, and a reduced total cost of ownership.

Q. How will strategic collaboration enable Devo to work toward solving these challenges? And what benefits will this collaboration yield for customers?

A. Devo and AWS can turn those blind spots into actionable insights by delivering innovative and cloud-native threat protection solutions. Our enhanced joint venture will help us explore new ways to accelerate the speed of innovation using the power of machine learning, AI and cloud technologies. Devo and AWS technical experts will work together to design solutions across the areas of security, data architecture and delivery of solutions to customers worldwide.

Q. Where can people learn more about Devo’s work with AWS?

A. More information is available on our AWS Partner Page.

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